Lou Holtz' speech from his press conference 12/5/98 USC President John Palms: "Good afternoon. It's a great day for Carolina Gamecocks. Last week, Athletics Director Mike McGee began a search for a football coach for the University of South Carolina. And last night, he successfully concluded that search and recommended to me a man whom I believe satisfies the significant criteria that Dr. McGee established. Dr. McGee's search was conducted with a sense of purpose and resolve. He has worked tirelessly to bring the best to Carolina. Dr. Mc Gee's recommendation to me was based in part in on the characteristics and qualities he saw in this individual; intensity, drive and a passion for success. I believe that the coach that Dr. McGee will present to you today will fulfill the pledge that Dr. McGee made to you last week. We will have a successful program at Carolina. It will happen. With deep appreciation for his efforts, I am proud to present to you, Dr. McGee." USC Athletics Director Mike McGee: "At no time in history has a head coach been more crucial to the success of a football program. A head coach iscalled on to be a motivator, a tactician, and a role model. When considering these qualities, few men truly exemplify these characteristics. In Coach Lou Holtz, we have a proven motivator, we have a very superior tactician and a great leader. And I might add, a wonderful human being. Let me also assure you, that in the case of leadership, there is no substitute for experience. Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great privilege to introduce to you the next head football coach at the University of South Carolina, Lou Holtz." USC HEAD FOOTBALL COACH LOU HOLTZ: "First of all, I would like to thank Dr. McGee, Dr. Palms and everybody else associated with the University of South Carolina for affording me the opportunity to be here. Ladies and gentlemen, I am here because I want to be here. I'm not here because of finances. I'm not here for other opportunities. I'm here because I believe in this state. I think South Carolina is a wonderful place to live. And, I want to be associated with the University of South Carolina. Please indulge me for a minutes while I say a few things. When I left the University of Notre Dame, I honestly felt that I would never coach again. I felt that Notre Dame was a very special place. For 13 years, I bragged about the school, the students, about the people and I was proud of the fact that I had three children graduate from there and that I had the pleasure and priviledge to coach there. I still feel the same way. But I am proud and happy to be here at South Carolina. I will always be a fan of Notre Dame and extol the virtues but my heart is now here at the University of South Carolina and my heart and dedication are to you (the fans). I just had a wonderful meeting with the players and I say that it was a wonderful meeting because I did all of the talking. Then I asked them if they had any questions and one man only had one question and his only question was 'how old are you?' I am 61 and will be 62 on January 6th. But I don't think that I'm too young to coach at South Carolina. When I look at Senator Strom Thurmond who's 96 and then look at your junior senator who's 76, I think 'man, I've got a long tenure ahead of me.' I plan on being here. Now, I came here for several reasons and I mean them sincerely. I really have great respect and admiration for Dr. McGee. This goes back to the early 1970's when we were coaching against each other. I was so impressed with Dr. Palms and the administration but I also came here because I love the students. I want our football players to be student-athletes in every sense of the word. And, I want the students here to know that I'm proud to represent you. I think USC is a wonderful institution. I'm here because of the fans. It's unbelievable that we had this many people show up here today. I'm here because I believe in this state and this school. I'm here because I believe in the quality of life that the state of South Carolina offers. I'm also here because I believe in the future of the USC football team. As I told our players, I believe in them. It's important for you to understand who Lou Holtz is not. I'm not a singer. I'm not a dancer. I'm not an entertainer. I'm not an intellect. If you go back, you'll find out that I was in the lower half of my high school class. I don't say it proudly but it's a fact. If it wasn't for me, there wouldn't have been an upper half of the class. I was not a good athlete and I'm not very talented. So don't think that just because I'm here that things are going to turn around. We are going to turn it around with hard work and dedication. I cannot promise that we will win. I cannot promise you that we will win because the schedule is difficult in the SEC. But I do want to tell you this, there is no reason why we can't be as good as any other school in the country. And our goal is to win the national championship. I say that because if it isn't our goal, we won't ever be able to win the conference championship. And we definitely plan on doing that. We just have to work together. I just want us to be proud to be associated with the University of South Carolina. And, as I told our players, when we walk off this field, the 80,000 fans who fill the stands are not people who have an abundance of money or that can afford the tickets. They are people who believe in the University of South Carolina, the state of South Carolina and us and we have an obligation to make sure that the caliber of athlete we put out here, the caliber of performance we play and the enthusiasm we play and the respect we have for one another, the love we have for one another should also be the same quality that this university has and embellish it. I just want our football team to be representative of the type of people and the type of values and morals that this school and state have. And that's our goal. Thank you." |